Save Your Nuts Download] [Torrent] [UPD]
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This article is from 2012. I have copy of the record set. It has been compared to the latest files (2013+). If it is outdated (a sunken state), I will remove the reference to it before reposting it. For now, if I have not archived the 2013 records, you can email me/comment and ask me for the new URL. I will reply within the same hour.
The problem is not that the data was wrong. The problem is that it was not trivial to navigate to the data. Good Help pages explain how to navigate a record set and the best advice is always to open a tree and walk around. I aim to make the web versions of the records available in easily navigable versions that do not require a web browser as well as the Genia Genetic Workbench. This makes navigating the records easier and navigation is a primary guide to the user and not requiring a web browser.
"Filing": I will label records so it is straightforward to see what is what. This is also called archiving the data in the GEDCOM format. I will also include "archived" records that will have that label. When the user haplessly downloads a 4,000 record file, they should have a clear idea what they have downloaded. If they then open that file in a program, there should be a snapshot of what is in that file. "Archived" files automatically show up as records with that label and some other meta data. By default, it should appear as an archive. If it does not, the user should be able to specify settings to make that label appear. If the data has not been archived, the user should know what they have downloaded. In this scenario, I believe a file is "archived" if it has a file name that ends If it does not, it is then downloaded. "Warning" record sets will have the label, "data warning" records will have a warning label shown in the tree, etc. Think of those labels as a way to explain to people what they are downloading. Labeling - educates, warning - informs, archived - informs, data warning - informs, etc. d2c66b5586