70-486 Certification Dumps Pdf 23
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MCSE is one of the most prominent and most sought after Microsoft credential for IT professionals working in the field of hardware and infrastructure. It is one of the oldest certifications in the industry offering expertise level in different areas of specialization.
Let us discuss the current offerings and areas of specialization it covers. MCSE is a mix of courses and certifications clubbed together as per the area of study. As of today, Microsoft has divided its certification portfolio into five technology streams namely:-
After the expiration of MCSE, MCSA, and MCSD on 31st January 2021, Microsoft has replaced these certifications with new role-based credentials. This retirement of product-based certification comes as a much-coveted relief. This is because Microsoft's role-based certificates verify the competence of a technical professional to learn in the first 3-5 or 5-7 years on the job; this experience is equivalent to beginner, intermediate, and expert categories.
You take one or two more courses depending on your interest and job need, you attain Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA). MCSA is a sort of half way of the MCSE certification journey. You can achieve MCSA with various combination of certification courses. Currently, Microsoft offer MCSA in 17 technology streams. You can understand the scope and variety from the number of combinations you can opt-in for MCSA. We will cover the MCSA options in detail in another article.
MCSA is your first step towards the area of specialization, once you have achieved the MCSA, you need to select one elective specialization and pass the certification course to become a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE). Although the MCSE titles are five in number but the option to choose the elective course will be ample as per your interest and job role. The Diagram below gives a detailed overview of the options to pursue and achieve the MCSE certification.
As of now in 2021, moving forward from 1 February 2021, users will need to go with new role based certifications as given above. You can start your learning with Koenig Solutions and Boost your career growth.
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